Augustinus, Aurelius, santo, 354-430 Opera omnia
The works of Saint Augustine : a translation for the 21st Century. Part I, Books
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Pubblicazione Hyde Park (NY) : New City Press, ©1991-<©2019>
Parte del titolo Books
Descrizione fisica v. ; 24 cm
Note Sul controfront.: Augustinian Heritage Institute
Nota di bibliografia Bibliografia e indici
Nota formattata di contenuto v. 1: The confessions / introduction, translation and notes Maria Boulding ; editor John E. Rotelle. 1997. -- v. 2: Revisions = (Retractationes) / including an appendix with the Indiculus of Possidius ; translation, notes and introduction by Boniface Ramsey ; edited by Roland Teske ; series editor Boniface Ramsey. 2010. -- v. 5: The Trinity / introduction, translation and notes Edmund Hill ; editor John E. Rotelle. 1991. -- v. 6: The city of God = (De civitate Dei) / introduction and translation William Babcock ; notes Boniface Ramsey (general editor). 2012. -- v. 7: The city of God = (De civitate Dei). XI-XXII / translation William Babcock ; notes Boniface Ramsey (general editor). 2013. --
v. 8: On christian belief / general introduction and other introductions by Michael Fiedrowicz ; translated by Matthew O'Connell ; editor Boniface Ramsey. Contiene: True religion = (De vera religione) / translated by Edmund Hill ; The advantage of believing = (De utilitate credendi) / translated by Ray Kearney ; Faith and the creed = (De fide et symbolo) / translated by Michael G. Campbell ; Faith in the unseen = (De fide rerum invisibilium) / translated by Michael G. Campbell ; Demonic divination = (De divinatione daemonum) / translated by Edmund Hill ; Faith and works = (De fide et operibus) / translated by Ray Kearney ; Enchiridion = (Enchiridion de fide et spe et caritate) / translated by Bruce Harbert. 2005. -- v. 9: Marriage and virginity: The excellence of marriage, Holy virginity, The excellence of widowhood, Adulterous marriages, Continence / translation by Ray Kearney ; edited with introductions and notes by David G. Hunter ; editor John E. Rotelle. 1999. --
v. 10: Morality and Christian Asceticism / general introduction by Boniface Ramsey ; editor Boniface Ramsey. Contiene: Lying (De mendacio) / translated, introduced and annotated by Robert Kennedy ; Against Lying (Contra mendacium) / translated, introduced and annotated by Robert Kennedy ; The Christian combat (De agone Christiano) / translated by Michael Woodward, and introduced and annotated by Boniface Ramsey ; Instructing beginners in faith (De catechizandis rudibus) / translated, introduced and annotated by Raymond Canning ; The work of monks (De opere monachorum) / translated, introduced and annotated by Robert Kennedy ; The advantage of fasting (De utilitate jejunii) / translated, introduced and annotated by Robert Kennedy ; Patience (De patientia) / translated, introduced and annotated by Robert Kennedy ; The care to be taken of the dead (De cura pro mortuis gerenda) / translated by Michael Woodward, and introduced and annotated by Boniface Ramsey. 2023. --
v. 11: Teaching christianity = De doctrina christiana / introduction, translation, and notes Edmund Hill ; editor John E. Rotelle. 1996. -- v. 12: Responses to miscellaneous questions: Miscellany of eighty-three questions (De diversis quastionibus [sic] octoginta tribus), Miscellany of questions in response to Simplician (Ad Simplicianum de diversis quaestionibus) and Eight questions of Dulcitius (De octo Dulcitii quaestionibus) / introduction, translation and notes by Boniface Ramsey (series editor) ; editor Raymond Canning. 2008. -- v. 13: On Genesis: A refutation of the Manichees, Unfinished literal commentary on Genesis, The literal meaning of Genesis / introduction, translation and notes Edmund Hill ; editor John E. Rotelle. 2002. --
v. 14: Writings on the Old Testament / general introduction by Joseph T. Lienhard ; editor Boniface Ramsey. Contiene: Questions on the Heptateuch (Quaestiones in Heptateuchum) / introduced and annotated by Joseph T. Lienhard and translated by Joseph T. Lienhard and Sean Doyle ; Expression in the Heptateuch (Locutiones in Heptateuchum) / introduced, translated and annotated by Joseph T. Lienhard ; Notes on Job (Annotationes in Iob) / introduced, translated and annotated by Joseph T. Lienhard ; Eight questions from the Old Testament (Octo quaestiones ex Veteri Testamento) / introduced, translated and annotated by Joseph T. Lienhard ; Answer to the Jews (Adversus Iudaeos) / introduced and annotated by Joseph L. Farrell and translated by Joseph t. Kelley. 2016. --
v. 16-17: New Testament I and II / editor Boniface Ramsey. Contiene: The Lord's sermon on the mount (De sermone Domini in monte) / translated by Michael G. Campbell, ... ; introduced and annoted by Boniface Ramsey ; Agreement among in the Evangelists (De consensu Evangelistarum) / translated, introduced and annoted by Kim Paffenroth ; Questions on the Gospels (Quaestiones Evangeliorum) / translated, introduced and annoted by Roland Teske ; Seventeen questions on Matthew (Quaestiones XVII in Matthaeum) / translated, introduced and annotated by Roland Teske. 2014. -- v. 18: Arianism and other heresies: Heresies, Memorandum to Augustine, To Orosius in refutation of the Priscillianists and Origenists, Arian sermon, Answer to an Arian sermon, Debate with Maximinus, Answer to Maximinus, Answer to an enemy of the Law and the Prophets / introduction, translation and notes Roland J. Teske ; editor John E. Rotelle. 1995. --
v. 19: The Manichean debate: The Catholic way of life and the Manichaean way of life = (De moribus Ecclesiae catholicae et de moribus Manichaeorum), The two souls = (De duabus animabus), A debate with Fortunatus a Manichaean = (Contra Fortunatum Manichaeum disputatio), Answer to Adimantus a disciple of Mani = (Contra Adimantum Manichaei i discipulum), Answer to the letter of Mani known as the Foundation = (Contra epistulam Manichaei quam vocant Fundamenti), Answer to Felix a Manichaean = (Contra Felicem Manichaeum), The nature of the good = (De natura boni), Answer to Secundinus a Manichaean = (Contra Secundinum Manichaeum) / introduction and notes by Roland Teske ; editor Boniface Ramsey. 2006. - v. 20: Answer to Faustus, a Manichean = (Contra Faustum Manichaeum) / introduction, translation and notes by Roland Teske ; editor Boniface Ramsey. 2007. --
v. 21: The Donatist controversy: Psalm against the party of Donatus = (Psalmus contra partem Donati), Answer to the writings of Petilian = (Contra litteras Petiliani), Answer to the Letter of Parmenian = (Contra epistulam Parmeniani), Baptism = (De Baptismo), Letter to Catholics on the Sect of the Donatists = (Epistula ad Catholicos de secta Donatistarum) / general introduction and other introductions by Maureen Tilley ; translations and notes by Maureen Tilley and Boniface Ramsey ; editors Boniface Ramsey and David G. Hunter. 2019. -- v. 23: Answer to the Pelagians: The punishment and forgiveness of sins and the baptism of little ones, The spirit and the letter, Nature and grace, The perfection of human righteousness, The deeds of Pelagius, The grace of Christ and original sin, The nature and origin of the soul / introduction, translation, and notes Roland J. Teske ; editor John E. Rotelle. 1997. --
v. 24: Answer to the Pelagians, II: Marriage and desire, Answer to the two letters of the Pelagians, Answer to Julian / introduction, translation, and notes Roland J. Teske ; editor John E. Rotelle. 1998. -- v. 25: Answer to the Pelagians, III: Unfinished work in answer to Julian / introduction, translation, and notes Roland J. Teske ; editor John E. Rotelle. 1999. -- v. 26: Answer to the Pelagians, IV: To the monks of Hadrumetum and Provence / introduction, translation, and notes Roland J. Teske ; editor John E. Rotelle. 1999. --
Classe di argomenti Patrologia latina. Augustinus, Aurelius, santo (morto 430) -- Testi: vari altri
Patrologia latina. Augustinus, Aurelius, santo (morto 430) -- Testi: opera omnia
Classificazione 34 L
34 D
ISBN 1-56548-055-4 (series)
978-1-56548-360-6 (v. 2)
0-911782-89-3 (v. 5)
978-1-56548-454-2 (v. 6)
978-1-56548-479-5 (v. 7)
1-56548-233-6 (v. 8)
1-56548-104-6 (v. 9)
978-1-56548-579-2 (v. 10)
1-56548-048-1 (v. 11)
978-1-56548-277-7 (v. 12)
1-56548-175-5 (v. 13)
978-1-56548-557-0 (v. 14)
9781565485297 (v. 15-16)
1-56548-038-4 (v. 18)
1-56548-247-6 (v. 19)
978-1-56548-404-7 (v. 21)
1-56548-092-9 (v. 23)
1-56548-107-0 (v. 24)
1-56548-129-1 (v. 25)
1-56548-136-4 (v. 26)
1-56548-083-X (v. 1)*
978-1-56548-264-7 (v. 20)
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Formato Materiale linguistico
Lingua Inglese
Altri autori Boulding, Maria, suora, ed.
Rotelle, John E., o.s.a., ed.
Babcock, William S., ed.
O'Connell, Matthew, tr.
Kearney, Ray, tr.
Campbell, Michael G., o.s.a., tr.
Harbert, Bruce, tr.
Canning, Raymond, o.s.a., ed.
Hunter, David G., 1954- ed.
Hill, Edmund, o.p., 1923-2010 ed.
Fiedrowicz, Michael, 1957-, pr.
Ramsey, Boniface, o.p., 1945- ed.
Teske, Roland J., s.j., 1934-, ed.
Paffenroth, Kim, 1966- ed.
Possidius Calamensis, santo, circa 370-circa 439.
Tilley, Maureen A., 1948-2017 ed.
Kennedy, Robert Peter, 1962- ed.
Woodward, Michael S. tr.
Farrell, Joseph Lawrence, o.s.a., 1962-, ed.
Kelley, Joseph T., 1948- tr.
Altri autori (Enti) Augustinian Heritage Institute
Titolo analitico / correlato The confessions
The Trinity
The city of God.
On christian belief
Marriage and virginity: The excellence of marriage, Holy virginity, The excellence of widowhood, Adulterous marriages, Continence
Morality and Christian Asceticism: Lying, Against Lying, The Christian combat, Instructing beginners in faith, The work of monks, The advantage of fasting, Patience, The care to be taken of the dead
Teaching christianity
Responses to miscellaneous questions: Miscellany of eighty-three questions (De diversis quastionibus [sic] octoginta tribus), Miscellany of questions in response to Simplician (Ad Simplicianum de diversis quaestionibus) and Eight questions of Dulcitius (De octo Dulcitii quaestionibus)
On Genesis: A refutation of the Manichees, Unfinished literal commentary on Genesis, The literal meaning of Genesis
New Testament I and II.
The Lord's sermon on the mount
Agreement among in the Evangelists
Questions on the Gospels
Seventeen questions on Matthew
Arianism and other heresies: Heresies, Memorandum to Augustine, To Orosius in refutation of the Priscillianists and Origenists, Arian sermon, Answer to an Arian sermon, Debate with Maximinus, Answer to Maximinus, Answer to an enemy of the Law and the Prophets
Answer to the Pelagians: The punishment and forgiveness of sins and the baptism of little ones, The spirit and the letter, Nature and grace, The perfection of human righteousness, The deeds of Pelagius, The grace of Christ and original sin, The nature and origin of the soul
The Manichean debate: The Catholic way of life and the Manichaean way of life, The two souls, A debate with Fortunatus a Manichaean, Answer to Adimantus a disciple of Mani, Answer to the letter of Mani known as the Foundation, Answer to Felix a Manichaean, The nature of the good, Answer to Secundinus a Manichaean
Answer to Faustus, a Manichean
The Donatist controversy: Psalm against the party of Donatus, Answer to the writings of Petilian, Answer to the Letter of Parmenian, Baptism, Letter to Catholics on the sect of the Donatist
Answer to the Pelagians, II: Marriage and desire, Answer to the two letters of the Pelagians, Answer to Julian
Answer to the Pelagians, III: Unfinished work in answer to Julian
Answer to the Pelagians, IV: To the monks of Hadrumetum and Provence
Record Nr. 234775BIB
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21. 569212 24-2363 v. 10 Sala Lettura S.L. 34 CF 1/10 Disponibile
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